segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2007

Witches Rune


Witches Rune

Darksome night and shining moon,
East then South then West then North,
Harken to the Witches' Rune,
Here we come to call ye fourth.

Earth and Water, Air and Fire,
Wand and Pentacle and Sword,
Work ye unto our desire,
And harken ye unto our word.

Cord and censer, scourge and knife,
Powers of the Witches' blade,
Waken all ye unto life,
And come ye as the charm is made.

Queen of heaven, Queen of hell,
Horned Hunter of the night,
Lend Your power unto our spell,
And work our will by magick rite.

By all the powers of land and sea,
By all the might of moon and sun,
As do we will - So Mote It Be,
Chant the spell and be it done.

Eko, Eko Azarak,
Eko, Eko Zamilak,
Eko, Eko Herne,
Eko, Eko Hecate.

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