domingo, 10 de julho de 2011

Our Common European Cultural Landscape Heritage -
Um comentário sobre o filme 'fields of Demeter' que vi ontem no cinema de Gaia , no Jardim Botânico..Um filme formidável que mostra a natureza na Europa e a o mito grego e o movimento pagão atual...Nesta parte nós vimos no video paisagens portuguesas, no video, em ordem vemos o Palácio de Monserrate, o Palácio da Pena e o Castelo dos Mouros que integram o Parque Natural de Sintra..

"The filming activities concerning the ECL documentary on European Cultural landscapes took place in Sintra between the 17th and the 19th October 2005. All the images and sequences were obtained in the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park. A programme and a time schedule were made by the Portuguese team as preparatory documents to the field work, in order not to loose the script main ideas and to get the most illustrative landscapes, ambiances and architectures to the documentary discourse.
At the end, an efficient team work ensured that the right places and settings were filmed according to the script main guidelines, which will allow us to have, in the end, the most striking images from Sintra included in the ECL documentary."

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