quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2008

Wicca, the religion

Wicca is the largest of the Neopagan religions. Wiccans have great reverence for the Earth and for their Goddess and her consort, the horned God. Their main rule of behavior is the Wiccan Rede which forbids them from harming people, including themselves, except in some cases of self-defense.

Many, perhaps most, are solitary practitioners. Others form small groups of believers, called covens, groves, etc. Because of centuries of religious propaganda and misinformation, many conservative Christians, and others, associate Wiccans with Satanists even though the two belief systems are as different as Christianity and Atheism.

Our essays on Wicca are very different from those on Christianity.
bullet Wicca is a very decentralized religion; many Wiccans develop their own beliefs, rituals, and other practices. The latter are often not known outside the solitary practitioner or Wiccan coven. So we describe the beliefs and practices that most Wiccans hold in common.
bullet Most of Christianity is highly centralized within denominations whose beliefs, rituals, and other practices are well documented and available to us. So we describe the diversity of Christian beliefs in great detail.

4 comentários:

  1. Thanks, Iriscelta. I'll read this later. :-)

  2. " Wiccan is a modern invention. BUT ( like any symbolic system ) it still works - providing the rituals are based on a clear understanding of the mystery of the sphere ( and its geometrical children ) "


  3. I am wiccan for ten years..I have studied not only Wicca, but too other subjects. My family is Christian , but i remained without religion about 20 years..I left The Christianism with 24 years old..I am happy and satisfied with The Wicca..
