1. The Circle is cast.
It is time to turn the wheel. It is now the sixth phase of the eight fold solar cycle, the cross-quarter of Leo, which is called Lughnasad. The Sun King Lugh is awake, Lugh who having reached the consummation of his power at Midsummer - at solstice - began his season of decline. Now he goes into the corn and grain. His energy is poured forth into the body of Earth Mother who nourishes life.
We conjure this a circle power, energy, truth, and vision . We conjure our sacred space between the visible and invisible plains. We recognize the 12 faces of our Universe as an expression of Mother.
May the dynamic spirit of Aries be with us.
We are grounded by Taurus persistence and stability.
May the quick mental powers of Gemini aid the projection of our thought.
As we children of the Earth stand surrounded and protected by the warmth of our Mother's love, let our circle sparkle with the creativity and splendor of Leo.
Feel the energy of Virgo's organization and purpose.
Bring Libra's balance to all polarities within this space that we may truly appreciate the wholeness of life.
Let the sting of the Scorpion bring death to all negative, limiting thoughts and attitudes that keep us from our true nature, that keep us from our highest purpose.
May our spirits soar, light as the feathers of an Eagle, with all the inspiration and enthusiasm of the Archer Sagittarius.
With the practical ability of Capricorn transmute our goals and dreams into reality.
In the spirit of Aquarius may we ever seek Truth.
May we merge and be one with the Great Spirit. As these are our thoughts that we will, so mote it be!
2. Let us invoke the elements:
Oh Spirit of Earth: Grant a sacred strength to my path that I may follow its way up rightly and without fear.
Oh Spirit of Air: Grant a sacred wind to be upon my path that evil's dark vapors be dispersed and the breath of life rise fresh and pure.
Oh Spirit of Fire: Grant a sacred flame to illuminate my path that I might know and understand whence I came, where I am, and whither I am bound.
Oh Spirit of Water: Grant a sacred stream to flow along my path that I might cleanse away the dust of each day's journey, rest, and arise refreshed to begin the journey anew.
Invoke the Great Spirit, in all it's aspects, God and Goddess: Nameless one, Eternal, who is found in all things. Creator of the Dance, be alive within us. You have many names and are ever-changing. You appear everywhere and within all circles of the seasons. Spirit of all life be radiant within us, Engulf us with your Love. Let us see with your eyes, hear with your ears, breathe with your nostrils, touch with your hands, and kiss with your lips.
Open our hearts!
Let us live free, joyful, and wise.
Let us sing your praise
And do your will.
3. Let us begin ritual observance:
Now is the time of the first harvest, when the bounties of nature give of themselves so that we may survive. O Great Spirit of the ripening fields, grant us the understanding of sacrifice as you prepare to deliver yourself under the sickle of the Goddess and journey to the lands of eternal Summer.
O Goddess teach us the secrets of birth, death and rebirth as the seasons come and go, and come. (Rub heads of wheat with fingers so grains fall onto the ground. Lift a piece of fruit, bite it and savor its flavor.)
We partake of the first harvest mixing its energies with ours that we may continue our quest for the starry wisdom of perfection.O Spirit, in your many names and forms, we offer our thanks for the continuing fertility of Mother Earth. May the nodding grain loose its seeds to Mother's breast, ensuring rebirth in the Spring.
Let us eat the the fruit to remind us of your ever abundance.
4. Charge of the Spirit:
My law is Harmony with all things. Mine is the secret that opens the gates of life and mine is the dish of salt of the earth that is the body of Cernunnos that is the eternal circle of rebirth. I give the knowledge of life everlasting and beyond death I give the promise of regeneration and renewal. I am the sacrifice, the Father of all things and my protection blankets the Earth.
Hear the words of the dancing God, the music of whose laughter stirs the winds, whose voice calls the seasons: I who am the Lord of the Hunt and the Power of the Light, sun among the clouds and the secret of the flame, I call upon your bodies to arise and come unto me. For I am the flesh of the Earth and all its beings. Through me all things must die and with me are reborn. Let my worship be in the body that sings for behold all acts of willing sacrifice are my rituals. let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you. For these too are part of the mysteries found within yourself. Within me all beginnings have endings and all endings have beginnings.
Pass out wheat to each participant. Have each person name a fear and project it into the wheat. As we dance contemplate that fear, how it helps you, how it hinders you. Dance with your fear until you let go of it.
5. Song & spiral dance (grapevine step): Lord of the Dance.
At the end of drumming all "sacrifice" your wheat to the fire and share a moment of silence for personal contemplation.
John Barleycorn is cut down dead, it is His time to die,
The Sun that warmed our Summer days no longer is so high. We praise Him and our Goddess fair, we thank him for the corn we gather in the harvest now and leave the fields forlorn.
Blessing: Let us bless the source of life
That brings forth bread from the Earth.
Let our lives be a blessing
To the Earth that sustains us,
And to all creatures that,
Like us, Call this planet home.
Libation: Hail Earth, Mother of All!
May your fields increase and flourish,
Your forests grow and spread
And your waters run pure and free!
Accept this offering, O Earth Mother!
Thanks: Lady and Lord We thank you For your presence For your circle For light and love For night and change We ask for your blessing As you depart hail and farewell! B1essed be!
To all beings and powers of the visible and
invisible, depart in peace.
May there always be harmony between us.
Our thanks and blessings.
Hail and farewell! Blessed be!
Let us open our circle:
Our circle is open
Yet unbroken
May the peace, love and joy of the Lord and Lady
Be in our hearts always.
Merry meet and
merry part and merry meet again.
Blessed be!
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