sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008

Horóscopo - Druídico


(de 21/01 a 19/02 de 1956)

Símbolo da beleza e da abnegação, a QUARESMEIRA é a árvore do amor incondicional. As pessoas que nascem sob sua influência costumam se mostrar muito solidárias e possuem uma acentuada natureza intuitiva. São bastante vaidosas e podem até parecer arrogantes para quem não as conhece direito. São questionadoras, inteligentes e charmosas.

No Amor: A pessoa que nasce sob o signo de QUARESMEIRA preza muito a compreensão e a solidariedade. Por esse motivo, ela buscará relacionamentos que tenham um quê de fraternal, de terno, de amigo. A possessividade e o ciúme, para ela, não têm vez. Além da atração física, elas também enaltecem a comunhão de idéias e o companheirismo.

Na Profissão: A originalidade é uma das características marcantes dos nativos de QUARESMEIRA. Por isso, eles gostam de realizar trabalhos inovadores. Têm talento para a área de Informática e de Publicidade, e geralmente apreciam as atividades relacionadas com política e bem-estar social.


quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2008

O Silêncioé um aliado/Ensinamento Xamânico

O Silêncioé um aliado/Ensinamento Xamânico

Elizabeth Carris Tristão lhe enviou uma mensagem em ORDEM UNIVERSAL DOS SERES ESTELARES.

O Silêncio é um aliado

Nós os índios, conhecemos o silêncio...
Não temos medo dele.
Na verdade, para nós ele é mais poderoso do que as palavras.
Nossos ancestrais foram educados nas maneiras do silêncio.
E eles nos transmitiram este conhecimento.
Observa, escuta, e logo atua, nos diziam.
Esta é a maneira correta de viver.
Observa os animais para ver como cuidam de seus filhotes.
Observa os anciões para ver como se comportam.
Observa o homem branco para ver o que querem.
Sempre observa primeiro, com o coração e a mente quietos.
E então aprenderás.
Quando tiveres observado o suficiente, então poderás atuar.
Com vocês, brancos, é o contrario.
Vocês aprendem falando.
Dão prêmios às crianças que falam mais na escola.
Em suas festas, todos tratam de falar.
No trabalho estão sempre tendo reuniões, nas quais todos interrompem a
todos, e todos falam cinco, dez, cem vezes.
E chamam isso de 'resolver um problema'.
Quando estão numa habitação e há silencio, ficam nervosos.
Precisam preencher o espaço com sons.
Então, falam compulsivamente, mesmo antes de saber o que vão dizer.
Vocês gostam de discutir.
Nem sequer permitem que o outro termine uma frase.
Sempre interrompem.
Para nós isso é muito desrespeitoso e muito estúpido, inclusive.
Se começas a falar, eu não vou te interromper.
Te escutarei.
Talvez deixe de escutá-lo se não gostar do que estas dizendo.
Mas não vou interromper-te.
Quando terminares, tomarei minha decisão sobre o que disseste, mas não te
direi se não estou de acordo, a menos que seja importante.
Do contrario, simplesmente ficarei calado e me afastarei.
Terás dito o que preciso saber.
Não há mais nada que a dizer.
Mas isso não é suficiente para a maioria de vocês.
Deveriam pensar em vossas palavras como se fossem sementes.
Deveriam plantá-las, e permiti-las crescer em silêncio.
Nossos ancestrais nos ensinaram que a terra esta sempre nos falando, e que
devemos ficar em silêncio para escutá-la.
Existem muitas vozes além das nossas.
Muitas vozes.
Só vamos escutá-las em silêncio.

“O homem branco fala: penso, logo existo.
O xamã ensina: sinto, logo compreendo!”

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2008

As armadilhas da língua_tautologia

Para não dar mancadas...  As armadilhas da língua   Você sabe o que é tautologia? É o termo usado para definir um dos vícios de linguagem. Consiste na repetição de uma idéia, de maneira viciada, com palavras diferentes, mas com o mesmo sentido.
O exemplo clássico é o famoso 'subir para cima' ou o 'descer para baixo'. Mas há outros, como você pode ver na lista a seguir:
- elo de ligação
- acabamento final
- certeza absoluta
- quantia exata
- nos dias 8, 9 e 10, inclusive
- juntamente com
- expressamente proibido
- em duas metades iguais
- sintomas indicativos
- há anos atrás
- vereador da cidade
- outra alternativa
- detalhes minuciosos
- a razão é porque
- anexo junto à carta
- de sua livre escolha
- superávit positivo
- todos foram unânimes
- conviver junto
- fato real
- encarar de frente
- multidão de pessoas
- amanhecer o dia
- criação nova
- retornar de novo
- empréstimo temporário
- surpresa inesperada
- escolha opcional
- planejar antecipadamente
- abertura inaugural
- continua a permanecer
- a última versão definitiva
- possivelmente poderá ocorrer
- comparecer em pessoa
- gritar bem alto
- propriedade característica
- demasiadamente excessivo
- a seu critério pessoal
- exceder em muito .
Note que todas essas repetições são dispensáveis.
Por exemplo, 'surpresa inesperada'. Existe alguma surpresa esperada?  É óbvio que não.
Devemos evitar o uso das repetições desnecessárias. Fique atento às expressões que utiliza no seu dia-a-dia.
Verifique se não está caindo nesta armadilha.

Repasse para os amigos amantes da língua 


'O covarde nunca começa, o fracassado nunca termina, o vencedor nunca desiste.'

 Enviado pela amiga Luzienda...



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Western Philosophy
Pre-Socratic philosophy

Engraving of Empedocles
Full name Empedocles (Έμπεδοκλής)
Birth 490 BC
Death 430 BC
School/tradition Pluralist School
Main interests cosmogenesis and ontology
Notable ideas All matter is made up of four elements: water, earth, air and fire.

Empedocles (Greek: Ἐμπεδοκλῆς, ca. 490–430 BC) was a Greek pre-Socratic philosopher and a citizen of Agrigentum, a Greek colony in Sicily. Empedocles' philosophy is best known for being the origin of the cosmogenic theory of the four classical elements. He also proposed powers called Love and Strife which would act as forces to bring about the mixture and separation of the elements. These physical speculations were part of a history of the universe which also dealt with the origin and development of life. Influenced by the Pythagoreans, he supported the doctrine of reincarnation. Some of Empedocles' work still survives today, more so than in the case of any other Presocratic philosopher. Empedocles' death was mythologized by ancient writers, and has been the subject of a number of literary treatments.



The temple of Hera at Agrigentum, built when Empodecles was a young man, c. 470 BC.
The temple of Hera at Agrigentum, built when Empodecles was a young man, c. 470 BC.

Empedocles was born, c. 490 BC, at Agrigentum (Acragas) in Sicily to a distinguished family.[1] Very little is known about his life. His father Meto seems to have been instrumental in overthrowing the tyrant of Agrigentum, presumably Thrasydaeus in 470 BC. Empedocles continued the democratic tradition of his house by helping to overthrow the succeeding oligarchic government. He is said to have been magnanimous in his support of the poor;[2] severe in persecuting the overbearing conduct of the aristocrats;[3] and he even declined the sovereignty of the city when it was offered to him.[4]

His brilliant oratory,[5] his penetrating knowledge of nature, and the reputation of his marvellous powers, including the curing of diseases, and averting epidemics,[6] produced many myths and stories surrounding his name. He was said to have been a magician and controller of storms, and he himself, in his famous poem Purifications seems to have promised miraculous powers, including the destruction of evil, the curing of old age, and the controlling of wind and rain.

Empedocles was acquainted or connected by friendship with the physicians Acron and Pausanias, who was his eromenos;[7] with various Pythagoreans; and even, it is said, with Parmenides and Anaxagoras.[8] The only pupil of Empedocles who is mentioned is the sophist and rhetorician Gorgias.[9]

Timaeus and Dicaearchus spoke of the journey of Empedocles to the Peloponnese, and of the admiration which was paid to him there;[10] others mentioned his stay at Athens, and in the newly-founded colony of Thurii, 446 BC;[11] there are also fanciful reports of him travelling far to the east to the lands of the Magi.[12]

According to Aristotle, he died at the age of sixty, (c. 430 BC) even though other writers have him living up to the age of one hundred and nine.[13] Likewise, there are myths concerning his death: a tradition, which is traced to Heraclides Ponticus, represented him as having been removed from the earth; whereas others had him perishing in the flames of Mount Etna.[14]


Empedocles is considered the last Greek philosopher to write in verse and the surviving fragments of his teaching are from two poems, Purifications and On Nature. Empedocles was undoubtedly acquainted with the didactic poems of Xenophanes and Parmenides[15] - allusions to the latter can be found in the fragments, - but he seems to have surpassed them in the animation and richness of his style, and in the clearness of his descriptions and diction. Aristotle called him the father of rhetoric, and, although he acknowledged only the meter as a point of comparison between the poems of Empedocles and the epics of Homer, he described Empedocles as Homeric and powerful in his diction.[16] Lucretius speaks of him with enthusiasm, and evidently viewed him as his model. The two poems together comprised 5000 lines. About 550 lines of his poetry survive, although because ancient writers rarely mentioned which poem they were quoting, it is not always certain to which poem the quotes belong. Some scholars now believe that there was only one poem, and that the Purifications merely formed the beginning of On Nature.


We possess only about 100 lines of his Purifications. It seems to have given a mythical account of the world which may, nevertheless, have been part of Empedocles' philosophical system. The first lines of the poem are preserved by Diogenes Laërtius:

Friends who inhabit the mighty town by tawny Acragas
which crowns the citadel, caring for good deeds,
greetings; I, an immortal God, no longer mortal,
wander among you, honoured by all,
adorned with holy diadems and blooming garlands.
To whatever illustrious towns I go,
I am praised by men and women, and accompanied
by thousands, who thirst for deliverance,
some ask for prophecies, and some entreat,
for remedies against all kinds of disease.[20]

It was probably this work which contained a story about souls,[21] where we are told that there were once spirits who lived in a state of bliss, but having committed a crime (the nature of which is unknown) they were punished by being forced to become mortal beings, reincarnated from body to body. Humans, animals, and even plants are such spirits. The moral conduct recommended in the poem may allow us to become like gods again.

 On Nature

There are about 450 lines of his poem On Nature extant, including 70 lines which have been reconstructed from some papyrus scraps known as the Strasbourg Papyrus. The poem originally consisted of 2000 lines of hexameter verse,[22] and was addressed to Pausanias.[23] It was this poem which outlined his philosophical system. In it, Empedocles explains not only the nature and history of the universe, including his theory of the four classical elements, but he describes theories on causation, perception, and thought, as well as explanations of terrestrial phenomena and biological processes.


Empedocles as portrayed in the Nuremberg Chronicle
Empedocles as portrayed in the Nuremberg Chronicle

Although acquainted with the theories of the Eleatics and the Pythagoreans, Empedocles did not belong to any one definite school. An eclectic in his thinking, he combined much that had been suggested by Parmenides, Pythagoras and the Ionian schools. He was both a firm believer in Orphic mysteries, as well as a scientific thinker and a precursor of physical science. Aristotle mentions Empedocles among the Ionic philosophers, and he places him in very close relation to the atomist philosophers and to Anaxagoras.

Empedocles, like the Ionian philosophers and the atomists, tried to find the basis of all change. They did not, like Heraclitus, consider the coming into existence and motion as the existence of things, and rest and tranquillity as the non-existence, because they had derived from the Eleatics the conviction that an existence could not pass into non-existence, and vice versa. In order to allow change to occur in the world, against the views of the Eleatics, they viewed changes as the result of mixture and separation of unalterable substances. Thus Empedocles said that a coming into existence from a non-existence, as well as a complete death and annihilation, are impossible; what we call coming into existence and death is only mixture and separation of what was mixed.

[ The four elements

It was Empedocles who established four ultimate elements which make all the structures in the world - fire, air, water, earth.[26] Empedocles called these four elements "roots", which, in typical fashion, he also identified with the mythical names of Zeus, Hera, Nestis, and Aidoneus.[27] Empedocles never used the term "element" (Greek: στοιχεῖον), which seems to have been first used by Plato.[28] According to the different proportions in which these four indestructible and unchangeable elements are combined with each other the difference of the structure is produced. It is in the aggregation and segregation of elements thus arising, that Empedocles, like the atomists, found the real process which corresponds to what is popularly termed growth, increase or decrease. Nothing new comes or can come into being; the only change that can occur is a change in the juxtaposition of element with element. This theory of the four elements became the standard dogma for the next two thousand years.

 Love and Strife

The four elements are, however, simple, eternal, and unalterable, and as change is the consequence of their mixture and separation, it was also necessary to suppose the existence of moving powers - to bring about mixture and separation. The four elements are eternally brought into union, and eternally parted from each other, by two divine powers, Love and Strife. Love (Greek: φιλία) explains the attraction of different forms of matter, and Strife (Greek: νεῖκος) accounts for their separation.[29] If the elements are the content of the universe, then Love and Strife explain their variation and harmony. Love and Strife are attractive and repulsive forces which the ordinary eye can see working amongst people, but which really pervade the universe. They alternately hold empire over things, - neither, however, being ever quite absent.

 The sphere of Empedocles

As the best and original state, there was a time when the pure elements and the two powers co-existed in a condition of rest and inertness in the form of a sphere. The elements existed together in their purity, without mixture and separation, and the uniting power of Love predominated in the sphere: the separating power of Strife guarded the extreme edges of the sphere.[30] Since that time, strife gained more sway and the bond which kept the pure elementary substances together in the sphere was dissolved. The elements became the world of phaenomena we see today, full of contrasts and oppositions, operated on by both Love and Strife. The sphere being the embodiment of pure existence is the embodiment or representative of god. Empedocles assumed a cyclical universe whereby the elements return and prepare the formation of the sphere for the next period of the universe.


Since the time of the sphere, Strife has gained more sway; and the actual world is full of contrasts and oppositions, due to the combined action of both principles. Empedocles attempted to explain the separation of elements, the formation of earth and sea, of sun and moon, of atmosphere. He also dealt with the first origin of plants and animals, and with the physiology of humans. As the elements entered into combinations, there appeared strange results - heads without necks, arms without shoulders.[31] Then as these fragmentary structures met, there were seen horned heads on human bodies, bodies of oxen with human heads, and figures of double sex.[32] But most of these products of natural forces disappeared as suddenly as they arose; only in those rare cases where the parts were found to be adapted to each other, did the complex structures last. Thus the organic universe sprang from spontaneous aggregations, which suited each other as if this had been intended. Soon various influences reduced the creatures of double sex to a male and a female, and the world was replenished with organic life. It is possible (although anachronistic) to see this theory as a crude anticipation of Darwin's theory of natural selection.

 Perception and knowledge

Knowledge is explained by the principle that the elements in the things outside us are perceived by the corresponding elements in ourselves.[33] Like is known by like. The whole body is full of pores, (and hence respiration takes place over the whole frame). In the organs of sense these pores are specially adapted to receive the effluences which are continually rising from bodies around us; and in this way perception is explained.[34] Thus in vision, certain particles go forth from the eye to meet similar particles given forth from the object, and the resultant contact constitutes vision.[35] Perception is not merely a passive reflection of external objects.

Empedocles noted the limitation and narrowness of human perceptions. We see only a part, but fancy that we have grasped the whole. But the senses cannot lead to truth; thought and reflection must look at the thing on every side. It is the business of a philosopher, while laying bare the fundamental difference of elements, to display the identity that exists between what seem unconnected parts of the universe.[36]

[edit] Reincarnation

Like Pythagoras, Empedocles believed in the transmigration of the soul, that souls can be reincarnated between humans, animals and even plants.[37] For Empedocles, all living things were on the same spiritual plane; plants and animals are links in a chain where humans are a link too. Empedocles urged a vegetarian[38] Wise people, who have learned the secret of life, are next to the divine,[39] and their souls, free from the cycle of reincarnations are able to rest in happiness for eternity.[40] lifestyle, since the bodies of animals are the dwelling places of punished souls.

[edit] Death and literary treatments

Diogenes Laërtius records the legend that he died by throwing himself into an active volcano (Mount EtnaSicily), so that people would believe his body had vanished and he had turned into an immortal god; however, the volcano threw back one of his bronze sandals, revealing the deceit. Another legend has it that he threw himself in the volcano to prove to his disciples that he was immortal; he believed he would come back as a god among man after being devoured by the fire. in

In Icaro-Menippus, a comedic dialogue written by the second century satirist Lucian of Samosata, Empedocles’s final fate is re-evaluated. Rather than being incinerated in the fires of Mount Etna, he was carried up into the heavens by a volcanic eruption. Although a bit singed by the ordeal, Empedocles survives and continues his life on the moon, surviving by feeding on dew.

Empedocles' death has inspired two major modern literary treatments. Empedocles's death is the subject of Friedrich Hölderlin's play Tod des Empedokles (Death of Empedocles), two versions of which were written between the years 1798 and 1800. A third version was made public in 1826. In Matthew Arnold's poem Empedocles on Etna, a narrative of the philosopher's last hours before he jumps to his death in the crater first published in 1852, Empedocles predicts:

To the elements it came from
Everything will return.
Our bodies to earth,
Our blood to water,
Heat to fire,
Breath to air.

segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2008

Horóscopo egipcio

O sábio Imhotep inventou o calendário egípcio, no ano 2769 antes de Cristo, que era parecido com o que usamos hoje. O ano egípcio iniciava quando a estrela Sírius surgia no horizonte de Mênfis, a cidade dos primeiros faraós, e que no nosso calendário corresponde ao dia 16 de julho.

A partir do calendário de Imhotep, os astrólogos egípcios criaram um Zodíaco divido em 12 signos, correspondentes aos doze meses do ano.

Cada signo é representado por um deus; cada divindade regendo durante um tempo e vibrando suas características próprias sobre as pessoas nascidas sob um determinado signo.

16 de Julho à 15 de Agosto Rã - O Deus do Sol
16 de Agosto à 15 de Setembro Neit - A Deusa da Caça
16 de Setembro à 15 de Outubro Maat - A Deusa da Verdade
16 de Outubro à 15 de Novembro Osíris - A Deusa da Renovação
16 de Novembro à 15 de Dezembro Hathor - Deusa do Amor e da Advinhação
16 de Dezembro à 15 de Janeiro Anúbis - O Guardião dos Mortos
16 de Janeiro à 15 de Fevereiro Bastet - A Deusa Gata
16 de Fevereiro à 15 de Março Tuéris - A Deusa da Fertilidade
16 de Março à 15 de Abril Sekemet - A Deusa Leoa
16 de Abril à 15 de Maio Ptah - O Criador Universal
16 de Maio à 15 de Junho Toth - O Invetor da Escrita
16 de Junho à 15 de Julho Ísis - A Mãe Cósmica

- por Adriana Freitas Pires de Campos -

Signo ocidental correspondente: Aquário
Período: 16 de janeiro a 15 de fevereiro

Esses nativos são intelectualmente ativos, assimilam e entendem sobre todos os assuntos com facilidade. São independentes, emotivos e instáveis nos sentimentos, sofrendo algumas depressões.

Os filhos de Bastet são estranhos e traiçoeiros quando não estão resolvidos internamente.

São excêntricos e apaixonados por aventuras perigosas. Têm uma imaginação surrealista. Podem ser atores, escritores, médicos, professores e advogados. Sabem conduzir uma conversa em grupo, despertando admiração a atenção de todos.

No amor são criativos, dotados de mistério e misticismo, costumando sentir o parceiro de forma aguçada. Os jovens preferem “ficar”, em vez, de assumir compromissos. Sexualmente, são fogosos e gostam de carícias diferentes. Seus pontos são os lábios e os tornozelos.

Na saúde, os nativos podem ter problemas digestivos ou nas vias respiratórias. Tendência ainda à artrite, dores na coluna e alguma disfunção glandular.


Dia da semana: Segunda-feira

Número: 9

Cor: azul

Flor: margarida

Pedra preciosa: quartzo branco


sábado, 13 de setembro de 2008


Os guias da série 'Guias de Conversação Para Viagens' oferecem expressões essenciais para quem não conhece o idioma. O vocabulário é organizado pelas situações mais comuns enfrentadas pelos turistas nos transportes, compras, hotéis, serviços e emergências. Trazem ainda um manual para entender os menus dos restaurantes e a tradução de nomes de centenas de pratos e ingredientes. Cada guia apresenta a transcrição da pronúncia para facilitar a comunicação, além de um minidicionário com as palavras mais comuns.

Tenho o livro, porque me interesso muito pelo grego e além do mais o revisor é meu conhecido, ele é grego e trabalha em São Paulo como professor...